Life and death are topics that inspire awe to the artist and inhabit her thoughts, thus are reflected in her work. Two concepts that are solely linked by one element, Time.
Time is intangible, unstoppable, irreversible; the one predictable constant on which no one has pure control. It is the pivot of change, the trigger of failure and the witness of progress. All of its surroundings being of human flesh, natural essence or erected concrete are affected by its passing. It is the creator of intangible concepts, which their liability depends on. Time is the paramount, universal commodity; it can be used simultaneously for different purposes. It flows through life, meets death and carries on. Time is an illusion.
PROJECT n°1 (view below): Interested in the visually tangible manifestations of time, the artist portrays here one of its aspects and puts subjects altered by the effects of time into the spotlight.
PROJECT n°2 (yet to be created): we can observe three stages in our life, childhood - adulthood - old age. During adulthood we are super aware of time to the point it rules our life - we blindly follow time markers of what society expects of us. In opposition, the two other phases of life are not bothered by time, one could argue not even aware of its concept. As a young kid, we have to learn about weekdays, PG -13 and other time markers - it is necessary for us to function within society. As an old person our mind goes back to the essentials and within that spectrum we lose the ability of conceiving those time markers - which results in outcasting us from society. Yet kids and elderly are still functional without time markers - they communicate, they laugh, they eat. So isn’t time just an illusion - where societytime exist as a form of order ?
2011 - current // Ongoing project
Invited by Nicola Filia Art Gallery - July-August 2021, Sardinia Italy. In collaboration with the artist project Temporary city
Private exhibition, Geneva 2016 // Nicola Filia Gallery, Sardinia 2021